Currency Exchange in Heart of Warsaw

Start saving time and money. Take advantage of convenient currency services.

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You can pay with cash, transfer or by card (polish cards only, 0,5% comission)

Za walutę zapłacisz u nas gotówką, przelewem, przelewem na telefon oraz kartą (pół procenta prowizji)

Paper Pounds we buy at 4.5

Old Swiss Franc we buy at 3.5


Current currency rates

USA - Dollar USD 4.045 4.105 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 4.07 4.095
USA - USD up to 2007r USo 4.045 4.105 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 4.06 4.085
EU - Euro EUR 4.235 4.285 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 4.255 4.275
UK - Pound GBP 5.1 5.16 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 5.115 5.14
Switzerland - Franc CHF 4.535 4.595 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 4.55 4.58
Albania - Lek ALL 0.0428 0.045 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 0.0428 0.0445
Bulgaria - Lev BGN 2.157 2.255 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 2.159 2.19
Turkey - Lira TRY 0.116 0.122 VIP RATES from 4000 zł 0.116 0.121

Currency Calculator for Online Orders

Exchange your currency fast and at best rates. No hidden fees or comissions. VIP RATE will be calculated automatically over 4000 PLN.

Provided rates are avaible by ONLINE ORDER. After clicking EXCHANGE CURRENCY you can order or pay for the currency.

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Get to know us better in a Nutshell

32 lata

działalności i doświadczenia

9 milionów

obsłużonych klientów

160 walut

z całego świata

3 kantory

w dogodnej lokalizacji

7 dni w tygodniu

również w niedziele niehandlowe

Od 5000

korzystniejsze kursy VIP

Interesting facts

Get to know more about currency

USA - Dollar
EU - Euro

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